We provide comprehensive support to ensure accurate reporting and compliance with ONRR and BIA/BLM regulations. Our team offers expertise in managing production data, calculating royalties, navigating Federal and Indian regulations, helping clients optimize their accounting and comply with regulatory requirements.
The Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR) is a three-part form for reporting offshore and onshore oil and gas production.
Form ONRR-2014 or the Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance, is used to report royalties and other obligations due on Federal and Indian oil and gas, and geothermal leases.
Proper Indian Royalty Valuation is dependent on multiple variables, like whether the lease is tribal or allottee, the accounting method selected on Form MMS-4410, and the region of the lease.
Not taking deductions from your federal royalties? Consider the cost implications of paying a higher effective royalty rate by not taking allowable transportation and processing deductions. ONRR unbundling is necessary to identify those allowable deductions.
Have you received a letter from ONRR indicating volume discrepancies between your production and royalty reports? Do you need help researching these discrepancies and corresponding with ONRR? Even if you handle your monthly reporting in-house, we can take care of these requests so you can focus on staying compliant on your current month accounting.
Have you been notified that your company has been selected for Audit? We understand audits can be daunting, but we are here to help. Let us be the point of contact between your company and ONRR; we will take care of the heavy lifting by answering their questions and providing documentation to satisfy their requests.
The Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR) is a three-part form for reporting offshore and onshore oil and gas production.
Form ONRR-2014 or the Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance, is used to report royalties and other obligations due on Federal and Indian oil and gas, and geothermal leases.
Proper Indian Royalty Valuation is dependent on multiple variables, like whether the lease is tribal or allottee, the accounting method selected on Form MMS-4410, and the region of the lease.
Not taking deductions from your federal royalties? Consider the cost implications of paying a higher effective royalty rate by not taking allowable transportation and processing deductions. ONRR unbundling is necessary to identify those allowable deductions.
Have you received a letter from ONRR indicating volume discrepancies between your production and royalty reports? Do you need help researching these discrepancies and corresponding with ONRR? Even if you handle your monthly reporting in-house, we can take care of these requests so you can focus on staying compliant on your current month accounting.
Have you been notified that your company has been selected for Audit? We understand audits can be daunting, but we are here to help. Let us be the point of contact between your company and ONRR; we will take care of the heavy lifting by answering their questions and providing documentation to satisfy their requests.
Whether you need help clearing a Data Mining Request or Preliminary Determination, filing your monthly royalty and production reports, need help filing an EMARF, or working through a backlog of Prior Period Adjustments, our expertise has you covered.
Mia Downing
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